John Dillermand and Climate Solutions
John Dillermand, Denmark’s controversial children’s TV character, is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he attacks all challenges with his unconventional tool. What can we learn from him when it comes to climate solutions?
Denmark is a pioneer in climate solutions, often taking bold risks and implementing policies that may seem unorthodox in hindsight.
John Dillermand, the popular yet “unconventional” Danish children’s TV character, embodies this spirit of innovation, always ready to tackle problems with his trusty appendage, even if his methods often lead to chaos.
As we race against time to combat climate change, we may need to embrace some unconventional solutions ourselves – but at what costs?
Let’s take a lighthearted look at Denmark’s climate and energy policies and see if we can identify which ones are brain-powered and which ones might have been inspired by John Dillermand’s unique approach.
Ali A. Eftekhar, Senior Researcher, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet